Abstract Submission and Registration

Dates and Deadlines

Abstract submission and registration are now closed.

Registration Fees

Due to the virtual nature of MTSM 2021, there is no fee for registration.

Types of Presentations

All presentations will be conducted live. Oral presentations will be conducted via Zoom. The length of all other contributed talks will be determined once the number of oral presenters is finalized. Poster presentations, along with breaks for networking and socializing, will be conducted in an online environment hosted on SpatialChat (https://spatial.chat/). We will also host a faculty Q&A panel.

To further facilitate conversation, we will host a Slack workspace to facilitate communication and file sharing outside of the live conference setting. Additional details on these elements will be provided to registered attendees shortly before the conference.

Conference Organization and Questions

MTSM 2021 is being hosted by Reid Van Lehn, with funding support from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Please contact Reid (vanlehn@wisc.edu) with any questions, and stay tuned for additional details!